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+601 6291 8858
Maguindanao, Philippines


Each grain of sand originates from rock on a mountaintop. The grains, formed by erosion over thousands of years, make a long journey through springs, streams, and rivers to the seas, where the tides and waves distribute them across the ocean floor and eventually carry them onto beaches.



About Us

DaBao Golden Sand Sdn. Bhd. is engaged in the provision of sand found along rivers and at river mouths.

Suffice it to state that our sand mining activities in the Philippines to meet increasing demand over the years have become a thriving business.



Cement Industry

Glass Industry

Fracking Industry

Sealand Reclamation

Services 我们的业务

DaBao Golden Sand Sdn. Bhd. is your preferred supplier.

大宝金沙有限公司 - 您的首选供应商.

Our Team 我们的团队

Executive Director 执行董事

Pablito T. Villarin

Mr. Pablito T. Villarin; MBA, PhD (Edu.), has more than 30 years of experience in financial services, real estate development, and mining operations. He has been accorded numerous accolades in his illustrious career and, presently, leads our Company's corporate activities in the Philippines.

Pablito T. Villarin 先生(持有工商管理硕士以及教育博士学位)在金融服务业,房地产开发以及采矿运营各方面都累积了超过30年的经验。在他杰出的职业生涯中,他获得了无数的表彰。目前,他领导着我们公司在菲律宾的业务.

Chief Marketing Officer 首席营销官

Mr. Alex K.W. Chang

Mr.Alex K.W.Chang has been involved in sales for more than 15 years and its responsible for the marketing of our sand to international clients, principally to customers in China. Our CMO can be contacted at

Tel: +60 162918858

Email: chang@dabao.com.ph

曾国伟先生从事销售行业已经超过15年。他主要负责向国际客户推销我们的沙子 – 尤其中国顾客为主 。欢迎联系我们的CMO。

Tel: +60 162918858

Email: chang@dabao.com.ph

Chief Communications Officer 首席传播官

Gina H. Gatlabayan

Ms. Gina H. Gatlabayan has been involved in media and public relations for more than 25 years. She is our company’s spokeswoman who is responsible for liaison with local authorities and non-government organizations in the Philippines, as well as, trans-boundary associations.

Gina H. Gatlabayan女士从事媒体和公共关系已有25年以上的经验。她是我们公司的发言人 - 负责与菲律宾地方当局,非政府组织以及跨境协会联络。

Contact Us 联系我们

Unit Level 9F(2), Main Office Tower, Financial Park Labuan, Jalan Merdeka, 87000 Labuan F.T., Malaysia.